Archiv | November, 2011

Hello world!

21 Nov

Hello world, this is my new ble ble blog. It’s also my first blog, so help me if you have tips 🙂

So since last week I have started working here in the SEO team, heel spannend learning a lot of new tricks and how the internet actually works. To get adept at all kinds of stuff relating to this voyage, I thought it would be a good idea to start off creating, maintaining and developing an AWSOME blog. It also allows me to set links back to my new employers so as to boost their ranking (SEO stuff if you don’t get it) and to promote myself and my many awesome skills= win win win situation. As I am very good at being a smartass you better save this blog right now to your favourites cos I got a looot of important stuff that will change your life. For instance using particular great resources or tools that seem really obvious to me, but which are missing in many people’s lives. I just met a girl who is 25 and has a computer and uses it every day but does not have Skype. I had a hard time first believing and then understanding her, because I will do anything to get out of using email, (how about you?) so I use Skype as much as possible. I used to use MSN, AOL and ICQ messenger as well but in my opinion Skype is the best one, the most wide spread and combined with Facebook and Gmail who needs another communication tool (on their computer). Not using Skype on your computer is like not using whatsapp on your smartphone, you are missing out on something which in my opinion is part of the reason to even own that kind of technology. Except if you want to avoid communicating with people, then fair enough, but enough of that this in an introductory posts so:

What will I blog about? I’m going to start out broad, so I’ll be talking stuff that I particularly do or do not like concerning: cooking, food, running, healthy living, unhealthy living, technology, football (although my homie Rich and me are probably going to do an extra blog on this) and music. I do not want to say fashion because I do not like the connotations, like every quarter of a year something/ some colour is out or in again and even though it looks stupid its ok to wear because it’s in, or something looks cool but it’s not in so you should not wear it. But I do like nice clothes, so I will probably comment sometimes.

Last of all, I also lack a lot of skills and knowledge (of course) but I really want to learn so I will regularly be asking for help as well, and counting on one or two or all of you to help.

